Phone: 203-469-2820

Survivin' 'N
Da Hood
Serving Our Community For More Than 30 Years
Survivin’ N Da Hood (SNDH) is a non–profit peer-to-peer training organization established in 1990 by three youth, Duke B. Boozer (at age 17), La’Rie J. McGruder (at age 15), and one adult, Patricia A. Boozer Ph.D. (old enough) who believe that youth communicate and learn best from their peers of similar age, racial, and social status groups. Therefore, SNDH has made a commitment to training youth to be peer trainers, a Train-the-Youth-Trainer (TTYT) concept.
About Us
Survivin’ N Da Hood was started to prevent youth from killing each other and to teach youth to think before they do something that cannot be changed, reversed, or erased. Our training includes the reality of built-in consequences. It gives the youth participants an opportunity to play-out (role plays) situations; thus, showing that different choices will bring different results/consequences.
At first, SNDH was an informal organization with a Train-the-Youth-Trainer concept: just a group of youth providing the Survivin' N Da Hood Game as a workshop to area youth at teen conferences at public schools, community centers, block watch groups, churches, and other youth groups. Today, SNDH has over 31 years of documented Train-the-Youth-Trainer and peer-to-peer experiences and a successful track record of working with youth.
Our Purpose

SNDH is a by youth/for youth organization: our Youth Peer Trainers (YPT) are taught to develop and implement training programs for their peers. It is a Train-the-Youth-Trainer and peer-to-peer Training program for urban youth that has directly impacted over 131 area youth who have become YPT. SNDH had provided over 40,000 training slots to youth; adult professionals who work with youth; and grass-root organizations in Connecticut and New York who have participated in our peer-to-peer Workshops.
We provide educational workshops in skills such as Mediation (including parent-teen, family visitation, and workplace), Conflict Resolution, Communications, Situation/Problem Solving, Leadership, Cultural Diversity, Public Speaking, Organizational/Staff Development, Effective Meetings, Group Dynamics, Job Readiness, and other pro-social skills.